Let’s make dating great again! For those of you who are dating online, you know how frustrating it can be. Here are 5 tips to make it better. — It’s time to make dating great again! In today’s modern dating world, it’s easy to become disheartened. Between all the ghosting, conversations that suddenly end or […] Let’s make dating great again! For those of you who are dating online, you know how frustrating it can be. Here are 5 tips to make it better. — It’s time to make dating great again! In today’s modern dating world, it’s easy to become disheartened. Between all the ghosting, conversations that suddenly end or go on forever without planning a date, one bad date after another or a completely empty dating pool, it can be exhausting and disappointing. Dating has become more challenging than ever. Fortunately, I have five tips and tricks you can use to help make dating great again. 5 strategies to make dating great again 1- STOP ACCEPTING BAD BEHAVIOR Maybe they didn’t call like they promised. Maybe they canceled plans last minute—again. Or maybe they’ve been emotionally distant, signaling a big shift from how things used to be. Whatever the situation, it made you uncomfortable or upset. But instead of addressing it, you either excused their bad behavior or you thought it was too needy to bring it up. When we’re invested in a relationship and want things to work out; we’re eager to win someone else’s approval, and we want to think the best of people, giving them the benefit of the doubt. Stop accepting the unacceptable. When you set boundaries for yourself and others around what works for you and what doesn’t, you’ll start attracting people who respect you more. 2- PRACTICE NON-ATTACHMENT Many of us want